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While many people think of minor fender-benders when the term rear-end collision is mentioned, some are much more than that. The Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 2,346 fatal rear-end collisions in 2019, accounting for just over seven percent of all deadly crashes. Suppose you or someone you love was injured or killed in a rear-end accident. In that case, it’s time to reach out to a reputable accident lawyer to determine your next steps.

Causes of Rear-End Accidents in New York

Rear-end accidents in New York are often the result of following too closely or distracted driving. Some motorists are in a hurry to get where they are going, speeding in addition to following too close and not directing their attention where it should be. Drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol can also cause rear-end accidents. Although not as common, a mechanical defect, such as with a vehicle’s brakes, is another cause of some rear-end accidents.

Illegally parking on a roadway can also make the rear-ended driver liable. Rear-end accidents might appear simple, but hiring a well-versed accident lawyer who can help determine who is liable in your accident is invaluable.

Who is at Fault for Rear-End Crashes in New York?

It’s often correctly presumed that a rear-ended car crash is the fault of the motorist who hit the other driver from behind. New York laws prohibit drivers from following too closely to the vehicle in front of them.

In other cases, both drivers might share liability under the legal premise of comparative negligence. If the injured motorist is 10 percent to blame for their $10,000 in damages, they would be eligible to receive $9,000. In a comparative negligence situation, the ability to obtain compensation depends on the degree of fault. If you are stuck in the rear by another driver, you are not at fault, in almost all cases.

We’re You Involved in a New York Rear-End Car Accident? Call the Law Office of David M. Kaufman, PLLC Today

Rear-end car accidents can cause severe injuries, such as broken bones, spinal cord injuries (SCI), traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and soft tissue injuries such as whiplash. These injuries may result in burdensome medical expenses and lost wages. Even if your accident appears minor, it’s always best to discuss the accident with an attorney. You may learn that you have more legal options and rights than you thought you did. However, the law limits the amount of time to act after being in a car accident. Call our office today at 631-761-6400 or reach out online to schedule your no-obligation private case consultation.

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